1. Does this essay have an explicitly stated thesis? If so, what is it? If you believe the thesis is implied, paraphrase it in your own words.
I believe that the thesis is more implied and it is that wives do so much and deal with so much and are kind of negected but still are great, so who wouldnt want someone to do so much for them with little or nothing in return.
2. Throughout the essay, Brady repeats the words “I want a wife.” What is the effect of this repetition?
To emphasize and repeat the point that, of course everyone would want someone who would do all this for them.
3. Do you think Brady really wants the kind of wife she describes—does this ideal spouse actually exist? Explain why you think Brady wrote this essay.
I think she really wants someone like that like in imagination but obviously is into guys and knows that this is not actually realistic to how most if any wives are but more stereotypes made by men and/or society for how wives should be.
4. How does Brady define what it means to be a “wife”? How does she organize the many services a wife provides her husband and family? What do you think of Brady’s characterization of a wife and her responsibilities? How do you think she wants her readers to respond to this characterization? Why?
she pretty much defines it as this super mom super wife slave of sorts. She organized the services starting out somewhat normal then getting more extreme and unrealistic. I think her characterization is dramatic and more something that youd think of hearing back in the 1930s or something, im guessing she wanted readers to be somewhat offended and maybe humored because its sexist and extreme.
5. Write a letter to Brady responding to “I Want a Wife.” Let her know what you admire or don’t admire about the essay and the extent to which you consider it effective and/or persuasive.
Dear Brady,
I enjoyed your reading and thought it was enlightening about a lot of stereotypes and crazy beliefs that people have about how a wife should be and act with her family. At first it wasnt obvious about the message that I got but became more pronounced as I read on. I think it is effective to get the point across and make you step back and realize how crazy some views are. I feel like some people may not get the message that I got though and I wonder if what I got is for sure what you meant. Maybe some extra clarity at the end would help its effect on readers.
Good point! In fact, often, if people don't realize a piece is satirical, they take it at face value and believe the person is serious