Thursday, January 19, 2012


1. Do
you enjoy English classes? Why or why
yes, I mostly do because reading and writing is my strongest part of school but sometimes I dont if like the type of books or subjects.
What type of writing do you enjoy?
Short story
Comic Strip
Notes to friends

What types of things do you like to read? Write all that apply:
Short stories
Comic Strip
Notes from friends
Science Fiction
Autobiographies (Sometimes)
News Papers ­­­­­­­­­
Are there any assignments that you’ve done in the past that you really despise?
I really dont like single very large projects, or projects that dont have much option so you might be pushed into doing things that arent comfortable for you to present or do.

Which of these remarks comes closest to the way you feel about reading?

“Reading is something you do if someone makes you, but I don’t
enjoy it.”

Do you enjoy classroom discussions? If its a topic I know a lot about and if im comfortable with the class
What about them do you enjoy/not enjoy?
getting your view out and seeing other peoples and maybe picking up things you didnt catch.

7. When there is a class discussion, do you
usually lead the discussion, contribute, silently listen, wish you didn’t have
to sit through it, or something else?
I usually contribute sporadically

What do you do outside of the school day? Do you have a job? Extracurricular? Taking care of siblings? I like to lift and have fun doing whatever with friends, parties. And do odd jobs to make money.
tell me what you did over the weekend.
Where did you go? Was it
fun? Did you fight with someone? Did you meet someone new? Did you try something different? Please be descriptive.
I hung out with my girlfriend and friends and just did whatever we could find to do (there wasnt much) I worked out a couple times and one night just chilled at home with a couple friends. I didnt fight or meet anyone new that I remember.
10. Is there anything I need to know
about you in order to better teach you or consider you when making
assignments/discussions? Anything you
say here will be confidential.
I am usually shy when I'm not close with many or any people in a class but usually warm up eventually. I sometimes shut down if I'm not in a good mood and dont like or understand assignments, but can pull out of it pretty easy but i usually dont ask for help.

Please feel free to ask any questions you have about me or the
class. I will answer all
questions tomorrow.

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